[Podcast] Amy Davies on How to Build a Following on LinkedIn that Translates to New Opportunities 5 promoting your writing podcast post May 07, 2024

Building a following on a social media platform is necessary for thought leaders. But it’s also hard.

Not knowing the ins and outs of a platform is frustrating. Months with little engagement...

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[Podcast] Octavia Goredema on Finding Support throughout the Book Writing Journey 4 publishing your writing 5 promoting your writing podcast post Mar 23, 2024

The book writing journey is both a thrilling and daunting endeavor.

Pitching a book to a publisher and the marketing phase afterwards can be especially challenging and complicated to accomplish on...

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[Podcast] Becky Robinson on How to Cultivate Online Followers 5 promoting your writing podcast post Mar 07, 2024

All thought leaders want to make an impact on their sphere of influence. It’s what is popularly known as “reach.”

Becky Robinson, author of Reach and founder and CEO of Weaving...

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[Podcast] Virginia Frischkorn on Hosting Successful Book Launch Events 5 promoting your writing podcast post Feb 10, 2024

An author’s book launch is a significant—and memorable—step in the writing and publishing journey.

The book launch event is an opportunity for the author to introduce their work...

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[Podcast] Author and Book Coach Stacy Ennis on Landing a TEDx Talk 5 promoting your writing podcast post Nov 24, 2023

Landing a TEDx talk is one of the best speaking opportunities for thought leaders.

From the TEDx stage, speakers can inspire and influence a broader audience, while networking and connecting with...

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[Podcast] Author Ryan Frederick on Successful Platform Building 5 promoting your writing podcast post Nov 17, 2023

“How can my book be part of a larger whole?”

It’s the question Ryan Frederick, author of Right Place, Right Time: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Home for the Second Half of...

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[Podcast] Anne Janzer on Joyful and Successful Book Marketing 5 promoting your writing podcast post Oct 18, 2023

“The world is changing all the time. We can’t cling to one way of doing things,” Anne Janzer, thought leader and author of The Writer’s Voice, says.

Gone are the days of...

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[Podcast] Lisa Tener on Writing a Book Proposal that Lands You a Deal 4 publishing your writing 5 promoting your writing podcast post Sep 05, 2023

A good book proposal is key to landing a book deal.

It’s a business plan for your book.

It helps your book stay focused on its main idea (its thesis).

It helps you determine where your book...

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[Podcast] Vikrant Shaurya on Becoming a Nonfiction Bestselling Author 5 promoting your writing podcast post Aug 30, 2023

To become a nonfiction bestselling author, it all comes down to numbers.

To make the New York Times Best Seller list, you need to sell 5,000 to 10,000 copies in a week.

To make The Wall Street...

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[Podcast] Emily Enger on Good Enough Book Marketing for Fiction and Creative Writers 5 promoting your writing podcast post Apr 25, 2023

“You need to hire a PR firm.”

“You need a large social media following.”

“You need to appear on radio and TV.”

Book marketing is overwhelming. Hop onto Google...

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[Podcast] Bryan Cohen on How to Sell Your Self-Published Book with Amazon Ads 5 promoting your writing podcast post Feb 27, 2023

Just publishing a book isn’t enough to get people to see it. You have to promote it, tooOne of the most cost-effective and easiest ways to get people to notice your book is through...

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[Podcast] Getting Real about the Costs of Publishing a Book 4 publishing your writing 5 promoting your writing Dec 15, 2022

You likely won’t get rich from publishing a book. Most people don’t

While we all dream of writing the next bestseller, on average a traditionally published nonfiction book sells about...

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