[Video] What Makes a Book Great? video resource Jul 03, 2024

Do you want to write a book but you're unsure how to make it stand out in a crowded market? In our most recent video, Anne Janzer, thought leader and author of The Writer's Voice, tackles...

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[Video] Common Errors to Avoid in Your Book Proposal video resource May 31, 2024

Submitting your book proposal to a publishing house is a defining moment in your writing journey. It's  exciting! But it's also terrifying. What if you don't land a book deal? What if your...

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[Video] Writing a Successful Book Proposal: Differentiating Yourself from Competitors video resource May 21, 2024

Are comps actually important to include in a book proposal? According to book proposal expert Lisa Tener, the answer is yes.

Book publishers run a business. They want to make money. As...

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[Video] How to Write a Book Proposal video resource May 02, 2024

If you want to land an agent or publisher, you have to write a book proposal.

But how do you write a proposal? Lisa Tener, book proposal coach and author, shares her tips in this video.

Here are...

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[Video] How to Know If Your Idea Is Good Enough for a Book video resource Apr 17, 2024

Do you ever wonder if your idea is good enough for a book? 

We all fear that our idea may not be strong enough for a book. That it may not resonate with readers. But how do you know if...

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[Video] How to Write Dialogue video resource Apr 03, 2024

Well-written dialogue brings your characters to life and makes your book more engaging. However, writing dialogue isn't just about writing down conversations as they would...

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[Video] What Is a Scene? video resource Mar 13, 2024

Scene writing is key to writing a commercially viable memoir or nonfiction book. 

But too many new writers struggle to write their story in scenes.

In our latest video, Cristen...

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[Video] How to Write Tension in a Memoir video resource Feb 28, 2024

Writing a memoir is more than just recounting events. It's about bringing your story to life in a way that captivates readers. 

One key element that can elevate your memoir from a series of...

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[Video] How to Structure a Commercially Viable Memoir video resource Feb 21, 2024

Writing a memoir is a personal journey. But when it comes to creating a commercially viable memoir, there are key structural elements to consider.

Award-winning ghostwriter and publishing...

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[Video] Determining The "Why" of Your Memoir video resource Feb 14, 2024

Memoirists often believe a memoir is all about them. It's their story, after all.

However, crafting a memoir isn't just about telling your story. It's about what your readers take...

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[Video] The Key Tenets to Writing a Commercially Viable Memoir video resource Jan 31, 2024

Crafting a captivating memoir is all about structuring pivotal moments, embracing vulnerability, and ditching binary narratives. Join award-winning ghostwriter Cristen Iris as she...

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[Video] How to Write a Memoir: Legacy vs. Commercially Viable video resource Jan 10, 2024

Are you writing a memoir?

Do you know what type of memoir you're writing?

Some writers are writing a memoir to share their family history. Their book is intended for family members and close...

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