[Tipster] This Is Your Year to Write tipster post Jan 03, 2022

 Making writing a part of your life is not like running an errand. 

It's not as easy (and as emotionally satisfying) as scratching off an item on your to-do list.

Writing is all about...

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[Tipster] The Writing of Journaling tipster post Dec 28, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, we encourage you to journal with a free spirit. 

Today, I'm making a very simple point:

When you journal, you are not "writing."

You are not crafting sentences. And...

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[Podcast] How to Get Published in the Harvard Business Review and Other Prestigious Pubs 4 publishing your writing podcast post Dec 22, 2021

“How do I get published in the Harvard Business Review…or another prestigious publication?”

For many business professionals, this question is always at the forefront. To get...

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[Tipster] Connecting the Ending to the Beginning tipster post Dec 17, 2021

We all lose steam as we write. The work of writing is mentally exhausting, sometimes crushingly so.

Our tendency is to get about 80% done with our work - whether writing a blog, an article, a book...

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[Tipster] Set a Plan to Write Your Next Book tipster post Dec 10, 2021

This week, our tip comes from Mary Holder Naegeli, one of our Roadtrippers who is preparing to write a book. Mary is a lung cancer survivor, and she tells her story in

Deep Breathing: Finding Calm...

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[Podcast] What Is a Book Launch Team? 5 promoting your writing podcast post Dec 06, 2021

Writing a book is not a solo act. You need the support of editors and readers. Launching a book isn’t a solo act, either.

You need a team—a book launch team—to create buzz...

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[Tipster] Why Dialogue Is So Strategic tipster post Dec 06, 2021

Dialogue is essential to writing an engaging story, whether fiction or nonfiction.

In her book, Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott makes the point that, in general, dialogue is your take on how a character...

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[Tipster] Dialogue Is Your Friend tipster post Nov 30, 2021

The one writing tip or hack or technique that covers a host of writing sins is this:

Use more dialogue in your writing.

In "Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer," Roy Peter Clark...

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[Podcast] The Four Cornerstones of Self-Publishing 4 publishing your writing podcast post Nov 23, 2021

“Is this vanity press?” “Are you going to control the rights?” “Do I have to pay a lot?”

These are common questions writers ask when considering...

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[Tipster] An Intro to Storytelling tipster post Nov 19, 2021

I get annoyed with all the hubbub about storytelling. It's the "in" thing in branding, TED Talks, and Master Classes. Every conference has a track on storytelling.

It's one thing to trumpet the...

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[Podcast] Literary Agent Adria Goetz on Querying an Agent 5 promoting your writing agents podcast post Nov 16, 2021

Where do you find an agent? How do you query them? What if they reject your work?

Querying an agent can be downright daunting. You first wonder, Where do I find an agent? And once you find a...

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[Tipster] The Writing Life vs. a Writing Project tipster post Nov 12, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, we consider the mentality of a writing life versus a writing project. 

How you think about writing matters.

I have no scientific data to back this up. But...

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