[Podcast] How to Uncover the Thesis of Your Nonfiction Book podcast post Dec 21, 2023

Every nonfiction book needs a thesis. Why?

A thesis directs your book's narrative. It's the backbone of your work, offering readers a clear roadmap and ensuring your content stays focused and...

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[Podcast] Which Form Should Your Content Take? podcast post Dec 21, 2023

Ready to expand your influence and reach your ideal audience?

Tune in to PPI's latest podcast episode with Melissa Parks and Dave Goetz as they dive deep into the best ways to package your...

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[Video] How a Minimalist Approach to Book Marketing Works video resource Dec 20, 2023

Writing an engaging book is only the first step in your literary journey. You've poured your knowledge, expertise, and passion into your work. Now it's time to ensure it reaches the right...

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[Podcast] Tips for Producing a Family History Documentary podcast post Dec 13, 2023

You want to capture your family history. That’s great! But where do you start?

Most people automatically think of a book. It’s the default. But a book has its limitations: difficulty...

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[Video] A Quick Guide on How to Use Amazon Ads video resource Dec 13, 2023

In today's digital age, writers have more opportunities than ever to promote their books. But, with countless books competing for readers' attention, effective promotion is key to successful...

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[Video] How to "Hook and Hold" Your Reader in Nonfiction video resource Dec 08, 2023

Keeping a reader's attention from the first chapter to the last is crucial to publishing a successful nonfiction book. But new writers struggle to engage their readers. They bog down their...

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[Video] How to Edit Your Manuscript After the First Draft video resource Nov 29, 2023

Many new writers believe their manuscript is ready for a publisher after writing the first draft. This isn't true.

Before you submit your manuscript for publication, it needs to be...

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[Podcast] Author and Book Coach Stacy Ennis on Landing a TEDx Talk 5 promoting your writing podcast post Nov 24, 2023

Landing a TEDx talk is one of the best speaking opportunities for thought leaders.

From the TEDx stage, speakers can inspire and influence a broader audience, while networking and connecting with...

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[Video] How to Move from the Book-to-Service Path video resource Nov 20, 2023

Nonfiction authors possess a powerful tool beyond the pages of their books. They have the opportunity to turn readers into loyal customers for their services.

But how do you convert a reader to a...

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[Podcast] Author Ryan Frederick on Successful Platform Building 5 promoting your writing podcast post Nov 17, 2023

“How can my book be part of a larger whole?”

It’s the question Ryan Frederick, author of Right Place, Right Time: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Home for the Second Half of...

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[Video] A Breakdown of Story Architecture in Memoir Writing video resource Nov 16, 2023

Story structure is just as important to memoir writing as it is to fiction writing.

Story structures establishes the overarching theme--the "why"--of your story. And it keeps your story...

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[Video] What Types of Editing Exist for Self-Published Authors video resource Nov 10, 2023

Curious about the different types of editing for self-published authors?

In our latest video, we break it down for you: 

  • Developmental Editing: Crafting the big picture of your manuscript.
  • ...
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