[Tipster] Writing in an Age of ChatGPT tipster post Jun 09, 2023

I had an old-fashioned quarrel with ChatGPT the other night.

Maybe it was one sided. I yelled at him. He didn’t yell back.

I’ll call ChatGPT a “he,” along with 66% of the...

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[Tipster] Why Would Someone Want to Read Your Book? tipster post Jun 02, 2023

Each of us writes for a variety of reasons.

Some write to work out their pain. Others write as a creative outlet. Still others write to promote their business or nonprofit. The noble among us may...

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[Podcast] Lisa Cron on the Misbelief of Your Protagonist and Why It Matters to Your Story 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Jun 01, 2023

Think about your favorite book or movie. What makes it your favorite?

It’s probably a combination of things—an applicable life lesson, jaw-dropping choreography and action, an intense...

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[Tipster] What Is Cohesion and Resonance in Nonfiction Writing? tipster post May 26, 2023

I learned an important lesson about cohesion when we bought our 1923 brick bungalow 23 years ago and I painted my hallway pineapple yellow.

The color wasn’t a problem except its Miami-party...

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[Tipster] Are You Emotionally Prepared to Make Changes to Your Manuscript? tipster post May 19, 2023

We called it the “80% Rule.”

My first real professional job was as an assistant editor at a publication.

I acquired and edited magazine articles. I also edited books, since the...

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[Tipster] Tasty Quotes Make Tasty Writing tipster post May 12, 2023

My husband reads car repair manuals.

I’m grateful he has the brain to persist through that dreary copy—because when you own three used cars with hundreds of thousands of miles on each,...

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[Podcast] Cristen Iris on Thinking Like a Filmmaker When Writing Your Memoir 3 honing the writing craft podcast post May 10, 2023

Commercially viable memoirs are akin to novels. They engage the reader through storytelling techniques.

But new memoirists struggle to write an engaging story. They spend too much time inside...

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[Tipster] Don't Bury the Lede tipster post May 05, 2023

Don’t bury the lede.

That is a principle that can be applied to many forms of writing.

It is especially true in hard reporting stories.

 In journalism, the “lede” or...

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[Tipster] What a Podcast Taught Me about Complex Characters tipster post Apr 28, 2023

 I like to think of myself as an original. But, really, I’m a middle-aged female cliché. At least when it comes to the podcasts I tune into. I’m part of the 63% of women who...

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[Podcast] Emily Enger on Good Enough Book Marketing for Fiction and Creative Writers 5 promoting your writing podcast post Apr 25, 2023

“You need to hire a PR firm.”

“You need a large social media following.”

“You need to appear on radio and TV.”

Book marketing is overwhelming. Hop onto Google...

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[Tipster] Only Training Can Show You How to Create a Scene tipster post Apr 21, 2023

I don’t think you can really learn to write. Which is why few fine art programs in writing turn out prolific writers.

Mostly, you need to be trained to write.

You train yourself when you...

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[Tipster] What I Learned from My Meeting with a Literary Agent tipster post Apr 14, 2023

Before lockdown in March 2020, an HGTV producer (the team behind The Property Brothers) wanted to talk with me about developing a TV show around flea market decorating.

I’m not sure how they...

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