[Tipster] Writers Have Words Only tipster post Sep 23, 2022

Melissa and I just attended a terrific conference called STORY in Nashville.

We presented a breakout session called "The 5 Elements of Putting Your Story to Words."

Many of the attendees...

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[Tipster] No Room for Writing Compromises tipster post Sep 16, 2022


On Monday, I hit a milestone. I wasn’t expecting to.

There I was: sweat dripping from my face, mid-movement of a tricep extension.

And I heard my coach congratulate me,...

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[Tipster] It's Time to Complete Your First Rough Draft tipster post Sep 12, 2022

A friend sent me a great quote from Twitter the other day:

"I don't know who needs to hear this, but a first draft does not need to be good - it needs to be written."

The quote comes from Emily...

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[Podcast] How to Begin to Write Your Family Story 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Sep 07, 2022

Do you want to write your family story? But don’t know where to start?

A family story is one of the best ways to preserve your history for future generations. It bonds your family together....

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[Tipster] The Essence of Storytelling: Show Don't Tell tipster post Sep 02, 2022

If I wasn’t speeding down the expressway already late for my appointment, I would have jotted down this scene from a podcast I was listening to. 
It would make for a great detail in...

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[Podcast] What to Expect from an Author-PR Firm Relationship 5 promoting your writing podcast post Aug 30, 2022

Most authors want to publish their book. And to share their story with the world they have to publicize it. But publicity is murky. Sometimes difficult to navigate. You might find yourself asking,...

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[Tipster] The Use of Foreshadowing in Your Writing tipster post Aug 26, 2022

The single biggest challenge in almost any form of writing is attention:

How do you sustain the attention of your reader?

There's an old line:

"When there's no more tension in a story, the story is...

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[Tipster] Dig Deeper for Your Story Hook tipster post Aug 19, 2022

“Melissa, I need you to rewrite this article. The hook is a cliché.”
My editor at Flea Market Style magazine served me one of the most valuable writing...

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[Tipster] The Good Stuff tipster post Aug 12, 2022

Ernest Hemingway was a wretched soul.

But he remains one of America's greatest fiction writers.

I recently read a profile of Hemingway, which was published in the New Yorker in 1950.

The profile is...

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[Podcast] The Best Ways to Build a Platform 5 promoting your writing podcast post Aug 08, 2022

“Do I need to build a platform?”

The short answer: yes. Publishers and agents want you to have a platform so that you can sell your book. But what exactly is a platform?

Platform is a...

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[Tipster] Procrastinate Your Way Out of a Writing Block tipster post Aug 05, 2022

If I’m scrubbing a toilet at 2:30 on a Wednesday afternoon, I’m likely procrastinating. 
I’m an expert procrastinator, especially when it comes to writing. 

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[Podcast] What Do Literary Agents Look for in a Manuscript? 3 honing the writing craft agents podcast post Aug 01, 2022

 “What do you look for in a manuscript?”

It’s a question every literary agent hears hundreds of times throughout their careers. And it’s the golden question writers...

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