[Tipster] How To Structure a Memoir tipster post Sep 22, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, our focus is on structuring a memoir. 

I (Dave) am re-reading one of the classics on how to think about structure in writing called "Draft No.4" by John McPhee.


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[Tipster] How To Write a Flashback tipster post Sep 22, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, our focus is on flashbacks. 

Writing well is the ultimate life marathon.

As you work on your book project, you want to be growing in how you use language and how you...

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[Tipster] How To Start Writing tipster post Sep 22, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, our focus is on starting to write a book and specifying your big idea. 

If you've never written before, starting a book is crazy hard. Or at least crazy confusing.


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[Tipster] Narrowing the Idea of Your Book tipster post Sep 22, 2021

It's one thing to write a 600-word blog.

Another thing to write a long-form article of 3,500 words or more.

And a 50,000-word book is, well, a completely different species altogether.

For starters,...

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[Tipster] The Power of Short Sentences tipster post Sep 22, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, our focus is on short sentences. 

This is a short sentence.

This, too, is short. Only four words.

Can you write short sentences?

Several years ago, I read, "Several...

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[Tipster] What Is Cadence in Writing? tipster post Sep 22, 2021

In this edition of Tipster, our focus is on cadence, one of the great elements of voice. 

We all want to write with a unique voice, a style that is our signature.

One way to do that is through...

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[Podcast] How to Start Writing a Book 1 developing the writer's mindset 2 identifying your writing purpose podcast post Sep 07, 2021

There are a thousand clichés about how to take the first step of a long journey.

But they all have one thing in common: you have to start. In this episode, we offer up a series of tips on...

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[Podcast] What Magazines Teach Us about Writing Well 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Aug 30, 2021

By Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Each of us has spent quite a bit of time in the magazine industry. During those years, we learned some skills from magazine writing that can translate to book...

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[Podcast] 5 Hacks When You're Lost Writing a Chapter 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Aug 18, 2021

By Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

You're not a writer if you've never been absolutely lost while working on a piece, whether a blog, an article, or, especially, the chapter of a book.

Writing is...

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[Podcast] Prenup Book Author Emily Bouchard on Landing Media Interviews 5 promoting your writing media podcast post Aug 18, 2021

By Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Tenacity. It's what you need most when landing media interviews after your book is published.

You simply can't be passive about book promotion. 


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[Podcast] An Introduction to Writing a Memoir 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Aug 05, 2021

By Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

The reasons for writing a memoir are many. Some write to understand their past; others share truths from their past to help others with their future. Still others...

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[Podcast] A.C.T.S. - the 4 Essential Elements of Writing a Great Story 3 honing the writing craft podcast post Jul 27, 2021

By Dave Goetz and Melissa Parks

Story. Story. Story. No one argues with the idea that stories are one of the primary ways we communicate as humans. It's one thing to enjoy a great story. And quite...

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